Reflection Counselling Services

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Rest vs. Restorative - What's the Difference?

Think of a long day of physical, emotional, or mental exertion. You may come home at the end of it and throw on a Netflix favourite. Whether it’s your body, your mind, or even your emotions, you’ve hit pause on the exertion as well as your focus on the exerting element. One, two, or three episodes later, you turn the TV off, but you still feel exhausted or out of sorts.

I’m not saying get rid of those moments, but be mindful that they may only be restful in the sense that you stopped doing the thing that was using energy. However, it may not have built up your reserves so that you can take on the next depleting task or even fully enjoy the next pleasant moment.

That’s where it can be helpful to incorporate restorative activities. While rest may be peaceful, restoration allows us to rebuild our resources.


What makes you feel alive?
What brings you joy?
What reduces stress?
What makes you exhale?
What reduces distractions and increases focus on the things that you value?
At the end of a week, what things do you find yourself wishing you had done more of?
What feels life-giving?
What gives you energy?

Some examples include:

Physical movement
Social connection with loved ones
Time alone
Creative tasks
Time in nature
A hobby
A community event or club

Everyone is different, but here are some ideas for different types of restorative activities. It can be hard to think of what you need during times of stress or recovery, so consider keeping a list of activities handy on a sticky note or in your phone as a reminder.

Happy resting and restoring!