file closure
Counselling Services for Waterloo Region
Counselling is a wonderful journey, but it does come to an end. While your file may be closed because you have met your counselling goals and have determined that you no longer require services, there are other reasons for file closure, as well.
Outstanding Payment
If I have not received payment for a session, I may close a client's file and discontinue services. This file can be re-opened and services can continue upon receipt of payment.
Lack of Contact
As I often have a waitlist, I want to ensure that clients are able to access services in a timely fashion. Therefore, if I have not heard from you in one (1) month, I will close your file. You are welcome to reconnect and request services again; however, I cannot guarantee availability and you may be placed on a waitlist.
Inconsistent Attendance
Counselling is a commitment to both yourself and your therapist. This means that consistency is important to achieving the goals that you are working towards. Therefore, if there are frequent cancellations or "no shows," it may be an indicator that it is not the right time to pursue counselling.