Winter First Aid Kit

Winter First Aid Kit


A resource to help you get through those tough winter months.

Topics include:

  • Dealing with low motivation

  • Identifying what is helpful to add to your day (and what to avoid)

  • Preparing for your specific needs and communicating them to others

  • Managing the holiday season

  • Practicing self-compassion

20% of all proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders

The winter months are hard for many reasons (shorter days, less sunshine, and that darn cold), but not everyone has the means or feels the need to meet with a therapist. This e-book is meant to be an affordable option for some basic information on how to take care of yourself and get through these winter months. Whether you are new to exploring strategies or need reminders of what’s worked for you before, this e-book hopes to provide some direction and resources so you have some support over the next few months.

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